Mommy Makeovers

Pregnancy, nursing, and/or time can take a toll on a mother’s body with sagging breasts and tummies. Some women have breasts that were already unevenly proportioned before pregnancy, and motherhood worsens their appearance. Weight loss without the involvement of a pregnancy can also cause breast and belly sagging. But no matter the cause, when a mother decides that she is emotionally, physically, and financially ready to improve her external appearance, she will find it helpful to understand some appropriate vocabulary for the Mommy Makeover procedures that she’ll want. The user-friendly lessons below can prove to be helpful.

We’ll start with “Abdominoplasty,” which is what doctors say when they’re discussing a “tummy tuck.” That procedure removes extra belly skin and fat. It also tightens abdominal muscles loosened during pregnancy and the birth process. The best time to do this procedure is after a woman knows that she will not be giving birth again. Pregnancy and the birth process can undo all the surgical tightening of skin and muscles. People who’ve reached and sustained their weight loss plateau for any reason are wise to wait for an abdominoplasty until they’re sure that they’ve achieved their ideal weight.

Abdominoplasty also removes stretched skin after a simple weight loss or the end of pregnancy. Most stretch marks will be removed with the excess skin. Mom will be left with smooth skin that looks and feels more youthful.

Abdominoplasty has its risks during and after surgery. A few of them include but are not limited to fluid accumulation, bleeding, infection, numbness, scars, and unintended asymmetry. These along with other risks and complications can be addressed by your doctor.

Another phrase that you’ll need to know for your Mommy Makeover is “Breast Augmentation.” The average woman might feel more comfortable in cosmetically correcting the appearance of her asymmetrical breasts.

Breast augmentation leaves the breasts in proportionate size to each other and it can enhance the form of small breasts. It can also relieve, in some women, some of the sagging caused by genetics, time, nursing, and/or weight loss. Three different incision techniques (under the breast, around the nipple, or through the abdomen during a tummy tuck) will enable you and your surgeon to choose the option best for your needs and comfort.

Silicone or saline breast augmentation implants have different advantages and health concerns. You can discuss them with your doctor and then choose the implant that you prefer. A week or ten days after surgery, a follow-up visit to your surgeon will result in the removal of stitches and instructions on taking care of your breasts. You’ll need to wait several weeks for the implants to settle into position and to take on a natural appearance.

The third medical word to know is “Mastopexy”. It’s the medical term for a “breast lift”. A mastopexy improves the effect of gravity on drooping breast tissue, lifting it.

Though a woman can still nurse a child after mastopexy, it’s preferable to have the procedure after she’s done having children. That prevents the need to possibly have the surgery repeated.

The minimal risks to mastopexy include but are not limited to some loss of nipple area sensation and asymmetry. You should discuss all risks and complications with your doctor prior to your procedure.

The above Mommy Makeover techniques are popular. Discuss the procedure that you want with your doctor.

Feel free to contact our office for more information.