
To tighten and sculpt sagging upper arms, patients visit Dr. Cohen for brachioplasty surgery. Also known as an arm lift, this body-contouring plastic surgery is used to remove excess drooping skin and deposits of sagging excess fat. After the procedure, patients can enjoy contoured and attractive arms.

Am I a Good Candidate for an Arm Lift?

If you are experiencing “bat wings” or “bingo wings” (the deposits of drooping flab that hang from the upper arms), the arm lift may be right for you.

Ideal candidates for brachioplasty are those who have trouble wearing tight clothing that causes chafing on their upper arms. Patients who do not wear revealing clothing for fear of feeling self-conscious about their arms are also excellent candidates.

Good candidates are in overall good health and are non-smokers. Smoking can cause complications with healing and recovery due to its negative effects on skin health. Smokers should quit before the procedure and avoid smoking during the recovery process.

The Brachioplasty Procedure

Before your brachioplasty procedure is conducted, markings will be made in the area to guide the creation of incisions. These markings will be made in the armpit and can extend along the back or side of the upper arm, often ending at the elbow. The extent of the incisions will depend on the amount of tissue to be removed.

Once the markings are made, anesthesia will be administered to the patient. General anesthesia is typically preferred for this procedure, but in some cases, local anesthesia can be used with IV sedation instead.

The incisions will then be carefully made. These incisions allow Dr. Cohen to remove excess sagging skin and tighten the remaining skin. A cannula can be used to perform liposuction to take out the excess fatty tissues.

Finally, the skin will be redraped over the arm and the incisions will be closed with stitches. The incisions will be dressed appropriately to protect against infection.

Healing After Your Arm Lift

After the brachioplasty, the patient will be able to return home to rest and recover. It will be necessary to get a ride home from a friend or family member, as the patient will not be able to drive home.

For the first three days after the procedure, the patient will need to keep their arms elevated at all times. This will help to lessen swelling and bruising. To help prop up the arms, pillows can be used.

A post-surgical care garment will be worn for a time to minimize bruising and swelling and to help the tightened tissues better conform to the area’s new contours.

Recovery after a brachioplasty procedure will necessitate taking some time off from work. Usually, around one week is needed, but if the patient’s job requires a lot of heavy lifting or other physically taxing activity, it will be necessary to take more time off. Avoiding heavy exercise and sports will be important during the healing process, usually for four to six weeks.

Set Up Your Brachioplasty Consultation

Discover the beautiful contoured arms you’ve been hoping for – contact the office of Dr. Barry Cohen for your brachioplasty consultation. Dr. Cohen will be happy to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.